Green Coffee ~ WIPs

I usually have a lot of projects going on at the same time, so if you’re looking to see where I am in writing or editing a specific writing piece, this is the place to be. (Also a great place for accountability). Updates will be on Wednesdays, Japan Standard Time.

To the left is a carousal of moodboards. These are ideas I’m plotting, writing, or even editing (you’ll be able to see progress on specific projects further on down the page). If you don’t see, feel free to ask me about the book or series.

Genres include anything along the speculative fiction range, and I love smashing things together. Off the top of my head I know I have about 75 books I want to be writing. Some sound like word salad: my weird west + post-apocalypse + mail order bride series for one, and another idea that’s a urban fantasy + urban search & rescue + romance. Don’t worry, a few are straight up fantasy and space opera.

Tropes I tend towards are Found Family, Protectorate, and The Grumpy One is Soft for the Sunshine One.
(Fair warning, those are not the same tropes I use in fanfiction)

Free-to-Read Web Serials

☁️ Cloudlark (via Royal Road) ☁️ -Finding an empty ship? Luck. Gathering the best crew a girl could call friends? Hard work and luck. Defending against a magical takeover? …She’ll get back to you on that.

👹Monsters Down the Hall (via Buy Me a Coffee & Wattpad) 👹 -Finn’s moved to Trion (aka Trionsylvania), a human in a new city that’s nearly all monster. Are coffee dates going to be enough to make this interspecies romance bloom? Or is she going to need to find a new city after she screws up?

☁️Chpts. Written


☁️Chpts. Written


👹Chpts. Written




Open for Kindle Vella


Open for Kindle Vella



Love Me Like a Villain – Mosaic Academy is the school of Lance’s dreams, and when he gets in he’s ecstatic at the life he’s about to have. Classes helping him hone his powers and people becoming friends with him, all in a place that’s not going to shun him for being different. What he didn’t expect was a grumpy roommate who can’t control his powers, a classmate using her powers to get him into trouble, and for love to whack him in the kneecaps with a hammer. It’s going to be a tough semester.

Current Word Count


Hrs. Worldbuilding


Chpts. Plotted


Chpts. Written


Est. Word Count



Apocalypse Ghosts – Tal just wanted a home where they could live alone. No ghosts haunting them, no humans hunting them. What they ended up with was Hope following so she’d be able to travel outside their town. Abby and Anna added themselves to the group, Theo was next, and finally a pair of brothers. Tal’s dreaming of escape, by this point and when the perfect opportunity presents itself, they’re more than ready. But their leaving is going to hurt the group in ways they hadn’t considered, and they’ll need to figure out if gaining their deepest wish is worth the cost. 

Current Chpts.


Reading Chpts.


Listening Chpts.


Final Edit Chpts.


Est. Date


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